You’ve come to the right place if you are looking for Firstbases review. After assessing if the Firstbases website is genuine or a fraud, what do you think Firstbases com?
You’ve found the right place. The section below provides unbiased, in-depth evaluations of Firstbases com, as well as 100% verifiable proof of its legitimacy.
Firstbases, an ecommerce platform, sells 500m foldable silent disco headphones, Acoustic Guitar Tuning equipment, 1000w Universal Car Dome speaker under the Audio devices, Car Dome speakers, Cables, etc categories and collections. The Whois database revealed that this site was registered on 4thApril 2021, and it will expire 4thApril 2024. This website has a trust score of 58%.
- Name of the website: Firstbases
- Email: [email protected]
- Contact address: Anastasiou Souroulla, 27, House 1, Egkomi Nicosia, 2416, Cyprus
- Contact Number: +441202125026
- Products Category: Headphones, Car Dome Speaker, Audio devices, Cables, ect
- Type: Product name: 500m foldable silent disco headphones, Acoustic guitar tuning equipment, 1000w Universal car dome speaker
- Payment options: Visa, MasterCard
- Delivery Time: Not Applicable
- Return policy: has a 30 day refund policy (the standard policy, which is legally mandated to be 14 days). This period begins on the date you receive your goods. Returns are allowed up to 30 calendar days after the purchase date. You must return the product in the same packaging and condition as when you first received it.
- Links to social media: None
The details below can be used to evaluate the website’s reliability. Now let’s look at the benefits and disadvantages of the website.
The very low trust rating of 58% on this website creates trust issues for users and internet explores. The portal has received negative feedbacks and reviews from other websites.
- This website provides the consumer with a valid SSL Certificate and HTTPS to ensure their safety.
- The website provides all of the policies the customer could possibly ask for.
Now you seem to know the downsides and benefits of this website. Now we can look at the factors that prove whether this website is a scam or not. Please read the section and let us know if you have used it. You can help many people who are unsure about the authenticity of this website. Your feedback is always appreciated.
- Website age: expires on April 4th 2024.
- Maximum Discount Offers: No discount
- Trust Score: 58% according to scamdetector
- Verification of the contact address: Anastasiou Souroulla, House 1, Egkomi, Nicosia 2416, Cyprus
- Customer Complaints There is no review or rating
- Verify the Email ID: [email protected]
- Exchange and Returns: You may cancel your membership at any time. If you cancel your membership, it will only continue until the end the current period that has already begun. You will not be charged any further periods of Membership. As the cancellation occurs immediately after the period has begun, we do not provide refunds. In rare cases, if you are not satisfied with our Membership services, we may consider a refund up to the maximum of 2 periods membership fees. Please email our customer service with your complaint at [email protected]. We will make a decision in 3-4 days.
We believe this website to be suspect.
Firstbases com could be a fake. We do not recommend that visitors to our site make online transactions through the Firstbases com web page.
This retail store does not seem to be legitimate based on what we have found.
Our manual review of this website has led us to believe that it is suspect. We will not recommend that our visitors make purchases on this website. Here is a list of more scam websites for 2022.