A cartoon adaptation of JCStaff was aired April-September 2015 in order to air the second season, Food Wars! The second season aired from July 2016 to September 2016. The third season’s first episode was titled Food Wars! The third season aired from October 2017 to December 2017. The second season aired from April 2018 to June 2018. Food Wars was the fourth season. The fourth season aired from October to December 2019. The fifth and final season of Food Wars! Food Wars! From April 2020 to September 2020, Fifth Plate aired. Many Food Wars fans are now wondering when Food Wars season 6 will be released.

We would love to see Food Wars return for another season, but it is unlikely that the animated series will be returning for season 6. We can only be certain if we hear from a reliable source.

After the conclusion of season 4, Food Wars season 5 was announced. The season 5 premiere is the final season of the series.

Season 5 (Shokugeki No Soma: Fifth Plate) concluded September 25, 2020. It left fans feeling empathetic.

They shouldn’t lose heart, though. There are still options to revive the show with OVA’s Prequel series and a film.

Five OVA episodes have been released, including two episodes from 2016, one episode in 2017, and the last episode of 2018.

At the moment, no information is available about future OVA’s and film projects for the cult-series, but who knows?

Stay up-to-date with the most recent news.

What number of episodes will be included in the upcoming Season of Food Wars

The Showrunner may decide to produce the next Food Wars Season. It will most likely have more than 13 episodes, as the previous seasons had 13 episodes. We can expect at least 13 episodes for the next Season.

Food Wars Season 6 Trailer

There is no trailer for season 6.


Soma Yukihira is a teenager who wants to be the chef at his father Joichiro. He hopes to match his fathers’ culinary skills. However, Joichiro discovers a job that will require him to travel all over the globe before closing his restaurant. Joichiromust bring Soma to his Totsuki Culinary Institute. This is an elite culinary school where students compete for spots in the Shokugeki culinary contests.

Despite the opposition of Erina Nakiri the talented daughter and dean of college, Soma gets a place for himself at the school. Soma moves to the Polaris dorm where he meets other hopeful chefs like Megumi Takokoro. His journey is told as he interacts and challenges Totsuki and other shokugeki rivals. Lessons he learned

Soma and other freshmen are part of an annual culinary camp that is evaluated by alumni. This group makes up around three quarters of the students who leave the school. Soma is competing in the Fall Classic. This competition sees the top 60 freshmen split into eight teams to compete in the only elimination tournament called the Fall Picks.

Along with the huge all-school Moon Festival, freshmen participate in week-long internships at local restaurants. At the Festival of the Moon Erina’s father Azami takes control of the school. Soma and Erina launch a rebellion against the established. The Council members form a rebel group. With the support of Joichiro, Gin and Azami, the rebels confront Azami’s ” Central” organization in the Cousin Regiment ( Team Shokugeki).

Soma and other members then begin the second season. Many Fall Classic members were promoted into the council to replace third-year students. Their first job is to work with “dark chefs,” which are people who work for criminal organizations or other VIPs. Joichiro Asahi is the leader of Les Cuisiniers Noirs. He was a former protege to Saiba and defeated the previous.

Asahi enters Totsuki, and kidnaps Erina from her Academy in the hope of marrying her. The trio of Takumi, Megumi, and Soma take part in the BLUE cooking contest organized by the World Gourmet Organization. Soma defeats Asahi as the trio fight against Dark Chefs. The manga ends with Soma and Erina fighting in the final game.

The sequel to “Dessert”, “Dessert”, was created after an incident in BLUE. Soma took an unexpected leave of absence before she began her third year of studies. This course sees Erina and Hisako question Joichiro about their relationship with Tamako. Mana and Azami discover that Asahi was Azami’s birth child and Erina her half-brother. The Nakiri family was the first to ask that he join his family. A few years later, when all Jewel Generation students have graduated from Totsuki’s Jewel Generation program, Soma informs Erina that they are coming home. He offers Erina a new opportunity which she gladly accepts in the hope that it will allow Erina to finally call “delicious”.

What is the name of Shokugeki No Soma’s all-seasons?

Episode List

  • 1st Season. 1.1 The beginning arc in Totsuki. 1.2 Training Camp Arc.
  • 2 Second season. 2.1 Autumn Election Arc.
  • 3rd Season. 3.1 The First Part. 4 Season Four. 4.1 Arc for Promotion Exams.
  • 5th Season. 5.1 Arch of the Beach Exam.


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