Our Impetusy Shop reviews can help you decide if an Impetusy.Shop is a trustworthy company or possible scam. We aim to give you a comprehensive evaluation of the site and its operation so that you have a clear understanding of what you can expect. We aim to provide reliable and trusted information so you can make an informed decision when using Impetusy.Shop.

  • Domain Name:Impetusy.Shop
  • Website name: Hypermarkets
  • Email: info@serviceis24h .com
  • Contact Number: 442086385417
  • Name and address of the parent company:Meledo Company Limited 4/4a Bloomsbury Square London, United Kingdom WC1A2RP
  • Company number: 1136866
  • All Products Available on its Website: Product Categories
  • The Website Lists: High Quality Carbon Fiber Phone Case with Magsafe Card Holder, Multifunctional Anti-Drop Phone Case, Grill Reversible Holder, Metal Infinity Dual-Heart Steel Wall Art Decor, etc.

This is an online store that claims to sell the products listed above. There are many things to know about this store before you choose it as your online shopping destination.

Recently, we discovered that Imitusy Shop was operated by a group or individual with a long history of fraud. We traced the email address [email protected] to several fraudulent sites including SummaruShop and Convincim. This is a worrying discovery as it exposes innocent shoppers to being exploited through their deceptive tactics.

We need to address the lower prices offered by Impetusy shop. This is a common trick used by scam websites to deceive and lure unwary customers. We urge customers to be cautious and not fall victim to these dishonest tactics.

It is alarming to see the similarity between this online shop and various scam websites. This similarity undermines their credibility and makes them difficult to trust.

It is important to draw attention to fake social media icons used by the online shop. It’s disturbing that they intentionally mislead customers to guess which icon is real, rather than directing them towards legitimate business-related profiles on social media. This is unacceptable behavior that further undermines the authenticity and credibility of this online shop.

Customers who have purchased similar products online have complained about poor customer service, inadequate post-sale support, and long delivery times. This has led to a negative shopping experience.

We can be sure that Impetusy Shop, based on the facts provided above, is a fraudulent online store.

Clicking >HERE will take you to our “Suspicious Sites” section where you can browse through the various types of scams. You can also navigate our homepage and find interesting articles in different categories.

Please feel free to leave a comment if you have anything to say about this company. Please feel free to also share this review on your social media pages to let your family and friends know about this online store.

Many new online shops are now claiming to offer huge discounts on a variety of items, but they are all scams. It’s best to avoid the new online shops or to do some research prior to purchasing anything from them. Most of these online stores will not deliver the items purchased to their customers or they may deliver items that are completely different or low quality. Some scam online shops have even charged clients’ credit cards randomly, without their consent. If you’ve ever made a mistaken purchase from a scam site, you should immediately contact your credit card or bank to protect your information.


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