Is college hard? Many people think college is hard. How true is that statement? Do people speak from personal experience? Do all college graduates think the same?


We have successfully completed high school, passed the damn EvAU and received our grades. Now we can enroll in university.

It seems that the future is not as bright as we thought and that everything is moving according to plan.

First, congratulations.

I understand how hard this time can be. This stage of pressure will not be repeated.

The worst is over, in my opinion.

But, you can see that the future is not all roses . It’s your turn to continue to work, and you will probably need to work harder than you ever have.

Do not be afraid. In this article, I will explain college and whether it is as difficult as they suggest.

Is college so difficult?

Yes, and no.

While college has many advantages over high schools, it also has its drawbacks.

The agenda can be much longer and more complicated .

I have bad news to share with you: It doesn’t matter what grades your have received so far or how little you will learn in high school and ESO. This is where things get serious.

Your grades may drop significantly and you might even need to take up another subject. You don’t need to be embarrassed.

The university level is usually higher than the Baccalaureate. That is a great thing. Gradually you’ll get used to it and soon you’ll be back in your groove.

The first year can be a time of great change. You will adapt, just like everyone else who has gone through university. Many people will have to develop new methods to study (Feynman and SQ4R, Walzen , PQRST ), or learn how to take multiple choice tests.

It will be obvious that the exams are harder to pass than expected, that there is more time to study and that you don’t know where you should start (Class notes, notes of previous years, manuals ).

Although it might seem intimidating, it is going be a wonderful time in your lifetime. Also, University accommodation Liverpool offers secure and comfortable living spaces for students. Conveniently located with modern amenities, these residences foster a positive academic environment, enhancing the overall university experience.

How do you cope with the change?

It can be difficult to move from high school and college, but we all have to do it.

Gradually, you’ll get comfortable with the level and will be able to work at the correct rate.

I’d like to recommend a book to help new university students cope with the change. “Who moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson.

This book is an excellent guide for the entire process.

Our lives will be marked by significant changes.

It is essential to be able to manage and adapt to these situations in order to keep improving as individuals.

It is a book I recommend to all who want to end a stage and start something fresh.


While university is more demanding and requires more study, it offers more benefits than high school.

You do not feel the same pressure as a Bachelor. The note is over. That pressure will never come back. You must make the most of your career. Some people will be able to do it in four years. Others may not get there in the time they need.

It is assumed that university has made you interested in something that you would like to devote your life to. You will be able to persevere no matter how difficult it gets.

I hope you enjoy it. Because it’s a time of maturation and continuous learning about yourself. You will meet new people, make new friends, and discover your limits as an undergraduate student. Then, you’ll become an adult.

Many claim that university is the best time in your life. I believe that university is a time when you are able to discover so much about yourself.

Best of luck to you all and especially to your new university students who will be great.


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