Has your kitty packed on a few extra kgs? If yes, know that it can mean more health problems queuing up. Undoubtedly, overweight fluffy babies look adorable, but unlimited eating and hardly exercising can lead to many health issues. It has been observed that many domestic cats, especially in urban regions, are mostly overweight or obese.

This is not great news, as being overweight increases the risks of contracting various illnesses. For instance, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, and heart issues are common medical conditions overweight cats typically suffer from. And without a medical backup in terms of cheap cat insurance, unanticipated vet costs can quickly exhaust your savings in the bank account.

This is precisely why you must search for popular insurance for pets online. Check the benefits covered under different policies, then request and compare quotes to sign up for cat insurance that best suits your furball’s health needs and your budget. Meanwhile, read this article to learn tips for helping your cat slim down to the ideal weight.

1.Say no to free feeding

Leaving a bowlful of food out for your cat to munch on all day and night can be convenient, but it isn’t a healthy practice. Free feeding is a significant contributor to excess weight gain in feline pets. This isn’t how wild cats practically eat. They spend much of their energy reserves on chasing and hunting down prey, feeding on them, resting to recoup the energy spent, and then hunting for their next meal. So, consider using slow feeders to provide only a limited amount of food at a time.

2.Offer a limited number of treats

Remember this rule – “Too many treats, too many kgs”. Your overweight fur baby might be vocalizing excessively to get your attention for various reasons, not just for asking for food. So, understand the reasons for your cat’s constant mews and try satisfying its needs. 

Don’t reward vocalizations with food and treats all the time. This will only make your cat think that constant meowing can fetch tasty treats. Avoid encouraging this behavior because, unknowingly, you will be training your cat to do this to get a treat. Tackle this by offering your cat tiny bits of cooked proteins rather than commercially available cat treats.

3.Weight loss diet

Don’t put your cat on a “Crash diet”. Instead, consult your vet for feline weight loss food recommendations and dietary plans that help your cat lose weight gradually. Abrupt reduction in food intake can cause “Hepatic Lipidosis”, a severe health condition that can lead to fatality.

High protein diets can help immensely, but there is no substitute for hard work when it comes to losing weight. Exercise, activity, and dietary changes can set your feline pet on the correct path to ideal weight.

Nevertheless, consider being prepared with cheap cat insurance so your fur baby gets the medical help it deserves during testing times of health. Search for insurance for pets online and contemplate purchasing a policy to potentially lower your pet’s health expenses without compromising the treatment quality.


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