Television aired the adaptation to the book Full-Time Mage in 2016. Many people who have seen the Chinese anime screened on television thought the writers were charming. Every chapter has an ending that is exciting and leaves viewers wondering about the next chapter. This is what happened the last time. It is now up in the air to find out when Quanzhi Fashi’s Season 6 will be aired. For fans of the genre, the announcement has already been made. What time is Quanzhi Fashi Season 6 set to release?


Quanzhi Fashi tells Mo Fan’s story. He is a high school student who finds himself in a mysterious parallel dimension. Every event in this dimension takes him back to his past existence. He was the stepson of a handicapped sister and the child of a laborer. The best students of the universe learn magic to defend themselves from evil animals hiding in the forest, which protects the city.

Mo Fan was admitted to the prestigious school, but because of his poor social standing, and his inept magic abilities, he was mocked by his bully friends. But the underdog, poor Mo Fan managed to master the powerful fire and unique lighting components.

No information has yet been released about the renewal of the show or the release date. It is certain that season 6 of the show will be released because it is highly-rated and has already had five seasons. Quanzhi Fashi Season 6 release date is set for 2022.


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