Among Us has assumed control over our souls since for eternity! Its secret plots, codes, and dubious interactivity have forever been a tremendous hit. With time, the makers continue to present new components and elements. Among them, one such update truly made a buzz among its fans-The presentation of Among Us Characters. However, what precisely are the jobs of these characters in the ongoing interaction? Continue and you will gain some significant experience about the Among US Characters, including the number of Among Us characters are there and their characterized pretends.

There are a sum of 12 crewmates types accessible in Among Us. Each Among Us Character gets a great deal of particularity and an unmistakable energy all through the game. Adding more, perhaps the best component of Among Us characters is that they are adjustable from head to toe. You can play with their outfits, symbol, and an entire post as quite often.

There are numerous different games like Among Us however nobody can at any point beat the specialities of these 12 Among Us characters. Continue further and look how you can enhance your essential Among Us interactivity with something fun and energizing.

In This Article

Who Are Among Us Characters?

Among Us characters are the group individuals from a spaceship that own the unremarkable symbols, addressing the mysterious personality of the players. There are a sum of 12 Among Us characters, and every one has an alternate shade of spacesuit. Players with various characters can either follow the crewmate job or an absolutely irregular one. These jobs incorporate the job of a specialist, researcher, apparition, or divine messenger.

These Among Us characters are attacked by an odd and destructive sham. Be that as it may, the fraud can be any of the crewmembers accessible. The great truth is nobody can at any point separate the sham from the crewmate as everybody appears to be identical. Additionally, there is no pre-characterized order of these crewmembers which implies anybody can play out any undertaking present on the boat.

Proceed to peruse and figure out the number of jobs that are there for Among Us characters and how you can change the name of these Among Us characters prior to beginning the new round.

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What number of Among Us Characters Are Present In The Game?

There are a complete 12 Among Us characters present in the game where every one has an alternate shade of spacesuit, displaying an alternate sort of qualities.

Different Among Us Characters Based On Roles

There are various jobs accessible for Among Us Characters which assume a significant part in the entire interactivity of Among Us. Recite without holding back the further dropped elements of these jobs and satisfy your job of Among Us character today.

1. Engineer

A specialist can suggest the vents like an ace faker. Albeit this isn’t possible during a perfect vent task, this can do ponders when one more vent is interconnected with it.

2. Researcher

Researcher holds the capacity to utilize convenient Vitals screen, accessible on any spot of the guide. However they shouldn’t fail to remember that these convenient fundamental screens truly do show up with a restricted charge and they require a charging that should be possible by performing different errands.

3. Heavenly messenger

Heavenly messenger is supposed to be the killed crewmember who goes about as a safeguard to other living crewmates and shields them from being killed by the faker. This is perhaps the most solid job of Among U characters.

4. Apparition

One more killed crewmember that is considered as the most visionary job among the Among Us characters is Ghost. In the wake of being shot out, a phantom should move quicker and speak with the living crewmates in any practical manner.

5. Sheriff

The job of Sheriff is yet to be carried out however it was declared throughout the Summer game fest. As the creators can’t stand to skirt this significant job of Among Us characters, there are high possibilities that Sheriff will be presented in the following update.

6. Faker

Fakers can be essentially as irregular as one believes it to be. As the interactivity of Among Us starts, each player gets a fair opportunity to be an Imposter disregarding any earlier record or experience. Sham assumes the significant part in driving the further game ahead.

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7. Shape Shifter

The last Among Us character in light of a job is Shape Shifter. This Among Us character permits the frauds to change into crewmates. They can change their player’s tone, wearables, and even name to fit in impeccably among the other crewmates.

Astonishing, right? The previously mentioned jobs of Among Us characters really do characterize this entire ongoing interaction of Among Us as a selective magnum opus.

Different Among Us Characters Based On Colors

https://www.yoAmong Us Characters: Updated List Of 2022 | Colorful Among Us

Unpacking perhaps the best fortune in Among Us! There are a sum of 12 Among Us characters accessible in the interactivity and each Among Us character has its own beautiful variety. Further is the rundown of the multitude of Among Us characters, read along!













Each tone addresses the remarkable qualities of each and every person with a visor, two legs, and a knapsack. Pick shrewdly and take advantage of these Among Us characters.

Beauty care products

However these various shades of Among Us characters is consistently an energy, Among Us likewise acquaints you with one of the astounding credits: Cosmetics. Beauty care products permits the player to tweak his particular shaded character with healthy components accessible. Players can put to utilize different caps, nameplates, pets, skins, and visor beauty care products to adorn his Among Us character into something extravagant.

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How To Change The Name Of Your Among Us Characters?

How To Change The Name Of Your Among Us Characters?

This is one of the astonishing elements inbuilt in the Among Us Characters! You, as the player, can change your Among Us character’s name and stunt your buddies after each round. You should simply follow 3 straightforward advances. Peruse along to know how you can change the name of your Among Us characters:

1. Go to the ‘Online’ menu.

2. Click Enter Name.

3. Enter your new name

Simple right? These three straightforward advances referenced above to change the name of Among Us characters can truly update your basc ongoing interaction to another entire level. Presently, to know the number of Among Us characters are truly present in the game, you need to checkout further.

Among Us characters is the significant driver of Among Us that places in the players to an entire crazy mind-set. Their dubious energy shoots up with the different-shaded spacesuit of their Among Us character. As they could actually change the name of their Among Us characters convenient after each round, players have consistently considered Among Us as one of the entertaining games accessible. Discussing the other component Cosmetics, players of Among us have forever been on the roll with their Among Us characters and other fun-components.

Wrapping Up

Summarizing a definitive aide of Among Us characters, all we can manage to express is Among Us characters truly do assume a significant part in the entire interactivity. Obvio! Which player will at any point keep close by an exhausting and dull game.

I trust every one of your inquiries with respect to the Among Us characters are addressed well. It is consistently a joy to serve you better. Way of EX invites any sort of ideas and suppositions with great enthusiasm. Go ahead and keep in touch with us under!


Oftentimes Asked Questions

1. What are the Among Us characters called?

Every player takes on one of two jobs. Some of them are Crewmates, and the most un-number call themselves Impostors.

2. Are Among Us characters people?

The Among Us characters are humanoid animals with a stout appearance, and they wear full-body spacesuits and little rucksacks.

3. What is the name of the dark Among Us character?

Dark was at first called “Dim” and is typically utilized as The Impostor.

4. For what reason do Among Us characters have one bone?

On the off chance that An Impostor kills a Crewmate, they will abandon an executed cadaver, which shows up as the base portion of the body resting with a solitary bone standing out of it.


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