Dr Hannam Obituaryhas shared the details and memories of his departed soul with us and provided his death service dates.
Are you able to identify the cause of death of Dr Paul Hannam? A few social media users in Canada were searching for Dr Hannam’s cause of death. His family and friends were shocked by the sudden death of Dr Hannam.
This news shocked most people as Dr Hannam was not ill and was only fifty-years old. Friends and family are sending condolences and engaging in activities we discussed in the Dr Hannam Obituary. This article will provide more information about Dr Hannam.
Hannam: Age, Career, Family Life
Dr Hannam was born near British Columbia University in Vancouver. He was fifty years old when he died in July 2022. While completing his University course, Hannam was married to Rosemary, a school friend.
He was also a great sportsman, representing the country in the 1996 sailing team in Atlanta. After a while, the couple moved to Toronto where Paul finished his emergency medicine studies at the University of Toronto.
Dr Paul Hannam Obituary
His family, close friends and relatives were saddened by the sudden death of Dr Paul. To commemorate Dr Paul’s passing, close relatives and friends shared their memories via social media.
In a message to O’Shea, his friend said that Dr Paul and his child played Hockey together. He was able to meet Hannam and found him to be a good listener and sharer. He treasures their memories and feels deeply about his loss.
Tash Stewart’s family planted trees in memory of Dr Paul. Dr Paul Hannam Obituary Meredith Johnson also shared deepest sympathy for Rosemary and the family during this difficult time.
Paul Hannam Causes of Death:
His colleagues appreciated Dr Paul’s contributions during the corona epidemic. He built his team and kept them focused. His colleague recalls Paul as someone who kept them motivated during difficult times in PPE.
His sudden cardiac arrest caused his death while running in the early morning. He was a friend and colleague who have lost a wonderful man and his personality.
Dr Hannam Obituary for his Death Service:
- On Wednesday 27 July, people will gather to honor him between 12-3 in Vancouver.
- On 4 August, North York General Hospital will honor his life in Toronto.
- To honor Dr Hannam’s memory and legacy, the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians will create a national award.
- This website allows people to send messages and plant trees in the memory of Dr Paul.
Final verdicts
Dr Paul will be greatly missed for his hard work and contributions during the coronavirus epidemic. Dr Hannam Obituaryfeels his loss is irreparable and will be missed by many people for a long time. We send our best wishes to the family of the departed soul.
Send your condolences to Dr Hannam. You can share your thoughts on Hannam’s life in the comments section.