This page is designed to give you an in-depth understanding of Expertiug Shop. You can read our Factorue / Expertiug Shop reviews to make an informed choice about whether Expertiug.Shop is a reliable and trustworthy company or if it’s a scam.
- Domain Name: Expertiug.Shop
- Name of the website:Factorue
- Email: service@usmessage .shop
- Contact Number: 442086385417
- Name and address of the parent company: Meledo Company Limited 372 Southampton Row Great London, WC1B SHJ United Kingdom
- Company number: 1136866
- Not Available: Categories of Products Available on Website
- Collapsible Container For Pizza, Air Mattress with Frame & Rolling Case, Portable Patient Lift Transfer Chair, 20V POWER CORDLESS PRUNING SAW, etc.
This is an online store that claims to sell the products listed above. There are many things to know about this store before you choose it as your online shopping destination.
Expertiug.Shop seems to be the exception to this rule. On its policy pages, this website also refers to its domain name as Factorue instead of its website name. This could have been a mistaken copy and paste.
Expertiug Shop’s affiliation with Meledo Company Limited has raised suspicions. Meledo Company Limited is known for its sketchy websites which prey on unwary customers. These include KunoiueyeShop and other sites such as Zuneria Salidro Dohnoo DuirungerShop BefallStore Yantrad CiivyShop Oudice Gloloom Koravino Pidgul etc. Their websites are so shady that your grandmother might blush.
P.S. These scammers are known to change their company name and address to avoid detection. Don’t be fooled if you see Expertiug in conjunction with another parent company name or address.
Prices on Expertiug might seem too good to true. And they are. Fraudulent websites often use heavily discounted prices to lure customers. Do not fall for the ruse. Stay alert and on guard.
The use of fake McAfee and Norton Trust Seal logos on Product Detail Pages indicates that a website does not have adequate security measures. Customers who shop on this site are at risk of their financial and personal information being stolen, including their credit card numbers.
The Expertiug website appears to be a patchwork made up of content and design from other questionable sites. This raises the question of whether they tried to be original, or if they simply copied and pasted from other dubious sites.
The absence of social media icons on Expertiug’s website that link to their business social media accounts is a red flag. This lack of interaction with customers raises questions about their legitimacy. What is the company trying to hide?
Customers have provided unfavorable comments regarding delivery times, post-purchase service, and customer support for online stores that follow a similar business model.
On the basis of these facts, we can conclude that Factorue / Expertiug Shop operates a fraudulent online shop.
Clicking >HERE will take you to our “Suspicious Sites” section where you can browse through the various types of scams. You can also navigate our homepage and find interesting articles in different categories.
Please feel free to leave a comment below if you have anything to say about this company. Please feel free to also share this review on your social media pages to let your family and friends know about this online store.
Many new online shops are now claiming to offer huge discounts on a variety of items, but they are all scams. It’s best to avoid the new online shops or to do some research prior to purchasing anything from them. Most of these online stores will not deliver the items purchased to their customers or they may deliver items that are completely different or low quality. Some scam online shops have even charged clients’ credit cards randomly, without their consent. If you’ve ever made a mistake and purchased from a scam site, you should immediately contact your bank to ensure your credit card details are protected.