Are you looking for Fabricatea reviews to see if they are a reliable site? You are in the right spot. We will examine and determine if they are legitimate businesses or scams.

Website Highlights

  • Domain
  • Website Name:Fabricatea
  • Domain Registration Date Per WHOIS:2022-10-10
  • Domain RegistrarAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd.
  • Email: support@fabricatea .com
  • Address and Name of the Parent Company: TRADING CO. LTD., 146a Whitchurch Road Cardiff, Wales, UK, CF143NA
  • Products Categories On Its Site: HOME & KITCHEN. TOYS & Gifts, New Arrivals. SHOES, Clothing
  • Products Listed on Its Website: DOG CHEE TOY, Kite Launcher Toys. Electric Battery Operated Control Voice Voice Parrots. Easter Chicken That Lays Eggs. Pull the rabbit. TRAVEL PILLOW. Easter Egg Tree Tabletop Decor. Eagle Flying Kites Bird Flyer Outdoor Game for Kids & Parents. Nordic Cat Wagging Tail Wall Clock. Magic Water ELF. Waterproof Solar Garden Fireworks Lamp.

What is

This online store claims to sell many of the products listed above. Before you decide to shop at this online store, there are many things you need to know.

Fabricatea has been identified as one of the most suspicious websites due to the following facts:

Contact Information:

LANDBASE TRADE CO., LTD is the parent company behind this online store. It has been linked to several fraudulent websites such as Vivid-Colors and Scoot-Blue.

NOTE: This online store may change its address and name in the future. It is similar to other fraud online stores.

Social media presence:

It appears that the social media icon that links to a business-related social network page is unavailable. This is unusual for legitimate online shops that often provide links to their social networks pages, groups, and profiles.

Special Discounts and Sales Offers

The online store displayed large quantities of products at deeply discounted prices. This can raise suspicions as fraudulent websites often use this tactic to deceive unsuspecting customers. This online store’s credibility and authenticity should be questioned.

Copied Content

Its website theme, as well as the abundance of content it contains, resembles many problematic websites. This could indicate that there are questionable practices or lack of originality.

Deliveries and Customer Complaints

Similar online shops to this one have also received negative feedback regarding delivery times, customer service, and after-sales support.

Our Final Verdict:

Fabricatea is an online shop that we cannot recommend based on the facts.

Click >HERE to see a list of suspicious websites. Or scroll down in our “Scams” category and find information about different types of scams. You can also navigate our website by clicking >HERE.

You can leave a comment about the company below. You can also share this review via your social media accounts with your family and friends to let them know about this online store.

Many online shops claim to offer huge discounts on many items, but they are often scams. Avoid these online shops or do your research before buying anything. Most of these online stores won’t ship the items purchased to clients, or deliver inferior or unreliable items. Scam online shops may charge clients their credit cards randomly, without their consent. If you’ve ever been charged incorrectly by a scam website, you should immediately notify your bank or credit union to protect your credit card details.


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