You’ve come to the right place if you want information on Horiu Store and its credibility. This detailed Horiu Store Review will give you all the information necessary to determine its legitimacy.
Safety Index of Horiu.Store.5/100 SCAM
- Domain Name:Horiu.Store
- Website name: Horiu Discount Center
- Email: margaretf7654@gmail .com
- Categories of Products Available on its Website:Outdoor Storage Sheds, All products
- The Website Lists the Following Products: Woodbridge Plus Vinyl Storage Shed with Foundation Kit & Window; 56 Panels Decorative Garden Fencing Large Barrier Metal Animal Fence, etc.
Below we have listed a few facts about Horiu Store. These include its pros and cons as well as whether it has received any complaints. This will allow you to learn more about the website.
- On its website, you can find the Hypertext Transfer protocol Secure (HTTPS).
- The “Contact Us”, “About Us” and “Home pages” of the website, as well as the “Bottom” of the site were not displaying the contact phone number or address at the time this review was conducted.
- The domain name is not the same as the website name. Most scam sites provide a website name that is different from the domain name.
- This site has a lot of products listed at unreasonably low prices, which is suspicious because there are many scam sites that offer such low prices.
- A fake trust seal, such as McAfee’s, appearing on Product Detail pages suggests that a website is lacking in security. This raises questions about the security of personal information and financial data such as credit card numbers.
- The website does not have a social media icon.
- The design and content of the websites are similar to those of multiple scam websites.
- Similar sites have been the subject of many complaints.
After carefully examining the information, it is clear that there are many indications which raise questions about the credibility and legitimacy of Horiu Store. This may indicate that it could be a fraud site.
We have already acknowledged some of the shortcomings of the Horiu Store’s website. However, we would like to hear your thoughts, experiences and any other information you may have in the comments section below. Your contributions will help expand the discussion and provide a more comprehensive evaluation of the website’s reliability and credibility. Your thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated, as they help others make informed decisions. We appreciate your active participation in the discussion.
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