Are you looking for the truth regarding Investigaten? You’re on the right webpage. You can use our Investigaten review to find out if is a legitimate company or not. We have done a thorough review of this website so that you don’t need to. Let’s start and reveal the true face.

  • Domain name:
  • Website name: Investigaten
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Name and Address of the Parent Company: Landbase Trading Co., Ltd., 146a Whitchurch Road Cardiff, Wales CF143NA
  • Categories of Products Available on Its Website: BATHROOM, TOILET, CLEANING SUPPLIES, HOME IMPROVEMENT
  • Its website lists the following products: Magic Metal Kinetic Sculpture (Magic Metal Kinetic Sculpture), Multifunctional Pants rack, 5 in 1, Keyboard Cleaning Brush, Simple Threader Kit, Buy 30 PCS.

Below we have listed a few facts about Investigaten. These include its pros and cons as well as whether it has received any complaints. This will allow you to find out more about the website.

  • SSL encryption has been implemented on the website.
  • Website includes contact information.
  • The domain name and email address are related.
  • Its parent company, LANDBASE TRADING, LTD., has a history of operating multiple problematic sites of this type, including Disciplineh and Plausiblei.
  • The website does not provide a contact phone number on the “Contact Us”, “ABOUT US”, or “Home” pages.
  • This site has a lot of products on sale at a heavy discount, just like other problematic sites.
  • The social media icons on the website are not working, leading to 404 errors when you click them.
  • The design and content of the website should match multiple problematic websites.
  • Similar sites have been the subject of many complaints.

According to the information given, there are some indications which raise concern about the reliability of Investigaten. This may indicate that it is a suspect online store.

We have listed some of the negative aspects of Investigaten, but we welcome your feedback to help us evaluate its reliability and credibility. Please share any information, insight, or personal experience you may have below. Your comments will help to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the site and valuable perspectives on both its strengths and weaknesses. Please feel free to contribute your opinions and join the discussion in order to better understand the reliability and credibility of the Investigaten site. We value your input.

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