This page will explain in detail what the Mosinatusi Shop is. You can tell if the Mosinatusi Shop is a scam or not by reading this Mosinatusi Shop Review.

  • Domain Name:Mosinatusi.Shop
  • Website name: Rihansesi
  • Contact email address: [email protected]
  • Hot Sale Categories and Product Categories on its Website
  • Its website lists the following products:Subtle Shapes-Non-Slip baby shoe-socks; Happy & Colourful-Non-Slip baby shoe-socks; Bliss Foot-Leopard Print Adult Socks-Shoes; Winter Faces-Non-Slip baby ShoeSocks; Yellow Flowers-Non-Slip-Baby ShoeSocks etc.

This is an online store that claims to sell the products listed above. There are many things to know about this store before you choose it as your online shopping destination.

It is not typical of a legitimate website that the name “Rihansesi”, which appears on its website, does not match with its domain name Mosinatusi.Shop. The website also uses the wrong domain name in its policy pages. This may have been caused by a mistaken copy-pasting.

HONGLU INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO., LTD., the parent company of Mosinatusi has links to other fraudulent websites including Sameeuele. MinersinaShop. Charyeah. Diseeya. Moonhamd. Ramnray. Swarajefi. Praneth. Waseemin. Rihansesi.

NOTICE: Scam sites are notorious for changing their company name or address. This makes it difficult to track their activities.

The email address provided by their website, [email protected] has been linked to several suspect sites. This raises questions about their authenticity.

It is important to be cautious, even though their reduced prices seem appealing. Online stores that are dishonest often use tricks like bait-and switch to trick customers into purchasing subpar products or fakes.

Similarity in design and content of Mosinatusi compared to other fraudulent websites suggests a lack originality, and raises questions about their legitimacy.

This online store is suspicious because it lacks social media icons. Online stores that are reputable use social media extensively to build their brand and engage with customers. This lack of links could indicate that Mosinatusi is not interested in building relationships with its customers.

Customers who have purchased from similar online shops have had negative experiences in regards to the delivery time, customer service, and after-purchase services.

Mosinatusi Shop can be deemed a fraudulent online store based on the facts stated above.

Clicking >HERE will take you to our “Suspicious Sites” section where you can browse through the various types of scams. You can also navigate through our homepage and find interesting articles in different categories.

Please feel free to leave a comment about this company. Please feel free to also share this review on your social media pages to let your family and friends know about this online store.

Many new online shops are now claiming to offer huge discounts on a variety of items, but they are all scams. It’s best to avoid the new online shops or to do some research prior to purchasing anything from them. Most of these online stores will not deliver the items purchased to their customers or they may deliver items that are completely different or low quality. Some scam online shops have even charged clients’ credit cards randomly, without their consent. If you’ve ever made a mistaken purchase from a scam site, you should immediately contact your bank to ensure that your credit card details are protected.


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