You are looking for a review of Uponeshop Store in order to decide if the website is a legitimate one or a scam, and if you can trust it. You’ve found the right place. Here’s a review of the Uponeshop Store that will help you determine its authenticity.
- Domain name: Uponeshop.Store
- Website Name:UponeShop
- Email: UponeShop@outlook .com
- Parent Company Name And Address: JWMY LIMITED, Room 3, Flat C.D, 1/F., Cheung Lee Building,399 Tai Nan Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon,Hong Kong
- Categories of Products Available on its Website: For Car, Hot Sales, Summer Inflatable toys
- The following products are listed on its website: 2023 racing mini trike, Magnetic phone holder, FPV Mini Underwater Drone and Concealed Carriers LIFECARD. 22LR – ALUMINUM HANDLE, Transformer Remote Control Folding Scooter, Chargeable Motorized Pool Lounger, Designer Fashion Lounge Inflatable Pool Float, WIRELESS 10INCH CARPLAY DASHCAM + FREE REAR VIEW CAMERA, etc.
Below we have listed a few facts about Uponeshop Store. These include its pros and cons as well as whether it has received any complaints. This will allow you to get a better understanding of the website.
- On its website, you can find the Hypertext Transfer protocol Secure (HTTPS).
- The website displays its address.
- The domain name and the website name must match.
- The phone number for the contact is not displayed on the “Contact Us”, “About Us” and “Home “pages of the website. It’s also missing from the footer.
- This site is similar to many scam sites in that it lists a lot of products for unreasonably low prices.
- A social media icon is missing from the website. It can be seen on all pages.
- The design and content of the website closely resembles those of several scam sites.
- Similar sites have been the subject of many complaints.
We have a suspicion about Uponeshop Store based on the information above. Therefore, we label it a scam site.
Your acknowledgement of the limitations of the Uponeshop Store site is greatly appreciated. We welcome and encourage your input, experience, and any other information in the comments section below. You can help to broaden the conversation and give a more thorough evaluation of the website by sharing your thoughts. We value your thoughts and comments, which will help others make informed decisions. Your active participation in the discussion is highly valued.
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