This page will give you an in-depth understanding of Juetrkgljpgp. Shop online. You can learn more about Juetrkgljpgp Shop and avoid any potential scams by reading our Juetrkgljpgp Shop Review.
Website Highlights
- Domain nameJuetrkgljpgp
- Website nameJuetrkgljpgp
- Domain Registration Date Per WHOIS:2023-02-09
- Domain Registrar:Hostinger, UAB
- Email: iggykosmowskimg861@gmail .com
- Address and Name of the Parent Company:Kentesh Ltd Signature 15, St. Helens Place London, EC3A 6DQ
- Registration Number 12948235
- Products Listed on Its Website: Smart2in1 Go-Kart and RAT BARROW ROLE-ON MOTORIZED WHEELBARROW, Household high-quality, portable pool table, Bose Wave Music System, Multi-CD Changer, Gibson Acoustic Hummingbird Limited Run Acoustic guitar – Ebony, and many more.
What is Juetrkgljpgp?
This online store claims to sell many of the products listed above. Before you decide to shop at this online store, there are many things you need to know.
Juetrkgljpgp has been deemed a scam site due to the following:
Contact Information:
Kentesh Ltd., the parent company behind this online store has been associated with numerous fraudulent and problematic websites including OqueboxShop.
NOTE: This site’s address and parent company may change as other sites with similar problems have done.
Its email address (iggykosmowskimg861@gmail .com) is a free email address, not a domain specific one. It is important to know that legit online shops usually provide domain-specific email addresses.
Special Discounts and Sales Offers
It listed products at low prices that are unlikely to be offered in legitimate shops, even during Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. This raises questions about the legitimacy and credibility of the website and suggests it might be engaged in fraudulent activities.
Copied Content
Juetrkgljpgp shares many similarities to scam websites, including its website theme and other features. This is a worrying resemblance and should not be ignored.
Social media presence:
It is concerning that this online store did not include a social icon linking to its business-related page on social media. These icons are usually provided by established e-commerce websites to allow users to connect to their social media pages or communities. It could be questioned if the icons are not present on its website.
Deliveries and Customer Complaints
Juetrkgljpgp’s customer service may be suspect. Similar online shops have had numerous complaints about late deliveries, poor customer support and unsatisfactory after sales services.
Our Final Verdict:
We can see that Juetrkgljpgp Shop online scam is confirmed by the above facts.
Click >HERE to see a list of suspicious websites. Or scroll down in our “Scams” category and find information about different types of scams. You can also navigate our website by clicking >HERE.
You can leave a comment about the company below. You can also share this review via your social media accounts with your family and friends to let them know about this online store.
Many online shops claim to offer huge discounts on many items, but they are often scams. Avoid these online shops or do your research before buying anything. Most of these online stores won’t ship the items purchased to clients, or deliver inferior or unreliable items. Scam online shops may charge clients their credit cards randomly, without their consent. If you’ve ever been charged incorrectly by a scam website, you should immediately notify your bank or credit union to protect your credit card details.