If you want to find out if Ponjio.Online is legit or a fraud, then you have landed at the right place. For more information on Ponjio Online, please read the below review.
Website Highlights
- Domain name: Ponjio .Online
- Website name: Ponjio
- Domain Registration Date Per WHOIS:2023-02-10
- Domain Registrar,DNSPod, Inc.
- Email: customer@ponjio .online
- Parent Company Name And Address: Bin Estrella GmbH Company, Pallaswiesenstrabe 180, 64293 Darmstadt’ Germany
- Company No: 064110000
- All Products Available On Its Site: All Products
- Products Listed on Its Website:Home kitchen Multifunctional 3 in1 Breakfast Maker, Upgrade 3 In 1 Floor Scrub Brush. Wireless Ear Clip Bone Conduction headphones, Car Storage Pocket. Best Design Products of Localityi-2023 folding LED Reading Lamp, PowerKey- Solar Power Bank Keychain. POCKET POWER : The Portable Mini Keychain Power Bank.
What is Ponjio.Online?
This online store claims to sell many of the products listed above. Before you decide to shop at this online store, there are many things you need to know.
Ponjio Online has been listed as a fraudulent site for the following reasons:
Contact Information:
Numerous deceptive and problematic websites were found to link with the parent company’s name (Bin Estrella GmbH), including Winliky, Cisomin TbrkowOnline TbrkowOnline Shopckg Lifejulie Chasenkeith PlehaesOnline, OkeliveOnline TbrkowOnline, Shopckg etc.
Important to remember that the address and name of its parent company may change in future. Scammers use these tactics often to avoid detection.
Social media presence:
It is obvious that the website does not have a social media icon. This icon should link users directly to its official social media pages. These icons are usually provided by legitimate online shops, which allow users to access their social media pages, communities, and profiles. This could raise suspicions about the legitimacy of the online store if there are no icons.
Special Discounts and Sales Offers
It is marketing a variety of products with huge discounts, just like many other scam websites. Avoid dealing with these websites as scams often use similar tactics to lure buyers into their fraud schemes.
Copied Content
Website theme and certain elements have a striking resemblance with those found on fraudulent websites. This raises questions about the legitimacy and reliability of the online store’s operations.
Deliveries and Customer Complaints
Customers who shop at similar online shops complain about the poor delivery times, customer service, and post-purchase services.
Our Final Verdict:
These facts lead us to conclude that Ponjio Online may be a scam website.
Click >HERE to see a list of suspicious websites. Or scroll down in our “Scams” category and find information about different types of scams. You can also navigate our website by clicking >HERE.
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Many online shops claim to offer huge discounts on many items, but they are often scams. Avoid these online shops or do your research before buying anything. Most of these online stores won’t ship the items purchased to clients, or deliver inferior or unreliable items. Scam online shops may charge clients their credit cards randomly, without their consent. If you’ve ever been charged incorrectly by a scam website, you should immediately notify your bank or credit union to protect your credit card details.