You’ve come to the right place if you are looking for Sparklingfairy review. After assessing if Sparklingfairy was authentic or not, what do you think is?

You’ve found the right place. The section below contains unbiased, in-depth evaluations of Sparklingfairy com, as well as 100% verifiable proof of its legitimacy.

Sparklingfairy sells LAST-DAY-SALE 50% OFF- Fairies and Dandelions Dance together, Clip-toe Wedges, Natural-looking Eyelashes Reusable Self Adhesive, Car Armrest Box Pad under the Boots Watch Sandals Looking Eyelashes Box Pad ect categories and collections.
The Whois database revealed that the website was registered on June 1, 2023, and it will expire June 1, 2024. This website has a trust score of 1%.

  • Website name Sparklingfairy
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Contact Address: Located at 548 Market St. #14148 in San Francisco, CA, 94104 USA
  • Contact Number: (844) 909 4899
  • Product Category: Boots Watches Sandals Box Pads Looking Eyelashes
  • Type Product Name: Last Day Sale 50% Off – Fairies and Dandelions dance together, Clip Toe Walking Sandals, Self Adhesive Natural Eyelashes Reusable, Car Armrest Pad
  • Payment options: Visa, MasterCard, Paypal
  • Delivery Time: On the order confirmation, you will find the estimated arrival time of the product that you ordered. For most products, the processing and shipping time is usually 7-10 days. Standard domestic shipping takes 7-10 business day, while international shipments take 7-20 business days. Print-on demand item(s) take between 1-7 days to be processed. Processing time for orders that include personalized items is an extra 1-3 days. Standard domestic shipping takes 3-10 business day, while international shipments take 7-20 business days. 2. Your local postal service is responsible for final delivery. Shipping and delivery times can vary depending on the postal service in your area. 3. In peak seasons or periods of high demand for carrier services, it may take an extra 5-10 days to deliver products.
  • Return Policy Please contact us within 14 days after the order was delivered to discuss any problems you may have. If deemed necessary, our customer service department can help you obtain a refund or replacement. No need to return the item. We will not be responsible for additional costs or loss if you do not get our permission to return the item.
  • Links to social media: None

The details below can be used to evaluate the reliability and trustworthiness of a website. Now let’s look at the benefits and disadvantages of the website.

The very low trust rating of 1 % on this website creates trust issues for users and internet explores. The portal has received negative feedback from other websites.

  • This website provides the consumer with a valid SSL Certificate and HTTPS to ensure their safety.
  • The website provides all of the policies the customer could possibly ask for.

Now you seem to know the downsides and benefits of this website. Now we can look at the factors that prove whether this website is legit, or a fraud. Please read the section and let us know if you have used it. You can help many people who have doubts about the authenticity of this website. Your feedback is always appreciated.

  • Website age: The website will expire 1st of June 2024.
  • Maximum Discount Offers: Up to 40% Off
  • Trust Score for Websites: According to scamdetector
  • Verify the legitimacy of your contact address:
  • Customer Complaints There is no review or rating
  • The legitimacy of the Email ID: [email protected]
  • Exchanges and Returns: 2. If applicable, replacement or refund conditions: – You have not received your order after 45 days or 60 days after the date of order placement for Standard and Premium shipping. – There is a problem with the quality of your order. Please note that all quality claims must be submitted within 14 days from the date shown on the tracking information of the package. 2.2. If you are unhappy with the quality of your product, please send us photos of any damage or defects.

We believe this website to be suspect.

Sparklingfairy com could be a fake. We do not recommend that visitors to our site make any online purchases from the Sparklingfairy com web page.

This retail store does not seem to be legitimate based on what we have found.

Our manual review of this website has led us to believe that it is suspect. We will not recommend that our visitors make purchases on this website. Here is a list of more scam websites for 2022.


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