Our analysis of Swarajefi will help you decide if it is a legitimate company or a scam. Our honest Swarajefi evaluation is below.
- Domain name: Swarajefi .com
- Website name: Ramnray
- Contact email address: [email protected]
- All Categories of Products Available on Website: All
- Its website lists the following products:Smart 4K UHD resolution, Waterproof solar angel lights, Halloween adventhouse, 19″ 212cc 4-stroke four-wheeler with self-propelled tires, Industrial Rustic Steel Pipe Lamps, Mushroom table Lamps, etc.
This is an online store that claims to sell the products listed above. There are many things to know about this store before you choose it as your online shopping destination.
In the past, legitimate websites have always made sure that their domain name and website name are consistent. Swarajefi.com seems to be an exception. On its policy pages, Swarajefi.com has used Ramnray instead of the domain name. This could have been due to a mistaken copy-paste.
The parent company of Swarajefi HONGLU International Trade Co., Limited, has been linked to several scams and problematic websites, such as Praneth Waseemin Rihansesi etc. This indicates that it could be connected with these scams and problematic sites.
It is possible that the website may change the name of its parent company and the address in the near future. This has happened in the past with other fraudulent websites.
Swarajefi’s legitimacy is questioned due to the fact that its email address ([email protected]) has been found on similar sites.
Swarajefi uses heavily discounted prices to lure unsuspecting customers, a tactic commonly used by fraudulent online shops.
The similarity in the design and content of Swarajefi and other problematic online stores casts doubts on its credibility and authenticity. The information on the About Us page of this site is similar to other scam sites and problematic websites.
Swarajefi does not have a social icon that directs users to its social media business page. This is suspicious, and it sets them apart from other legitimate online shops that have social icons that are linked to business-related pages, groups, or profiles on social media.
Customers of similar online stores have reported that they experienced subpar delivery, insufficient customer service, and unsatisfactory after-sales services. This reveals weaknesses in these aspects of online shopping.
It is reasonable to view Swarajefi, given the above facts, as an online store that could be suspect.
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Please feel free to leave a comment below if you have anything to say about this company. Please feel free to also share this review on your social media pages to let your family and friends know about this online store.
Many new online shops are now claiming to offer huge discounts on a variety of items, but they are all scams. It’s best to avoid the new online shops or to do some research prior to purchasing anything from them. Most of these online stores will not deliver the items purchased to their customers or they may deliver items that are completely different or low quality. Some scam online shops have even charged clients’ credit cards randomly, without their consent. If you’ve ever made a mistaken purchase from a scam site, you should immediately contact your credit card provider or bank to protect your card information.