The Mental Rut: What is your situation? Are you able describe your life as being indecisive or apathetic? This is not a common feeling. It can be difficult to express these feelings of avoidance. Languishing doesn’t mean sadness. It’s a dulling feeling and too much pleasure.

Although this term is relatively new, many Americans share the same sentiment. The effects of this phenomenon led to the recognition and use of Delta 8 for concentration and sleep. A 2021 mental health survey found that around half of respondents reported feeling like they were languishing. This is the most common condition for millennials. How does languishing manifest itself? And how can it not be the same as depression.

Determining Languishing

This term was invented by Corey Keyes Ph.D., a psychiatrist and sociologist from the United States. He used the extender to describe mental well-being. He emphasized the fact that mental illness does not necessarily mean mental health. He used the term “flourishing” to describe psychologically healthy people. “Languishing” is when there are no mental health issues.

Keyes’ 2002 findings show that people who are languishing have a 100% chance of experiencing depressive episodes compared to those who are psychologically normal. This is 600% more than the difference between flourishing and struggling individuals.

Languishing is different from depression. Languishing is different from depression.

Languishing versus. Flourishing

Keyes’ continuum model explains that flourishing is characterized by positive feelings and functioning. Languishing could be described as the antithesis, meaning that there are insufficient positive feelings or functioning in existence. It’s joyless. Languishing can be characterized by symptoms such as:

Motivation is lacking

Concentration issues

Low energy

Overeating or a low appetite

Sleep problems (hypersomnia, insomnia, and interrupted sleep)

Social interaction is not something that interests you.

Insufficient purpose

Indifference to activities that are normally enjoyable

Feeling “blue”

Languishing versus Depression

If you imagine your mental health spectrum as a thermometer, then languishing can reach 0deg. It is a neutral position, meaning it’s neither positive or negative. However, depression is not below zero. It is included in the Diagnostic and Record Manual of Mental Disorders (5 DSM-5).

Languishing does not include sadness or hopelessness. Languishing is a feeling of nothing. Depression is rare in people who are experiencing prolonged depression.

What is Languishing in 2022?

Social isolation, fear, grief, and fear have all been brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. This combination has led to languishing in public. The psychological rollercoaster of Yesteryear 2 years continues to be an ongoing one.

Languishing can also be caused by mental exhaustion and constant stressors. It’s not a sign of weakness or inability to cope. They are just natural responses to disempowering situations.

Recommendations for Coping Strategies

Languishing can’t be overcome in one day. It can be a long journey. Daily small steps that can be taken to make a difference.

Prioritize tasks

Focus on your most important tasks and work hard to complete 2 or 3 each day. A simple task like going for a walk to get some exercise is a great idea. You can do anything, no matter if you want to create a resume or clean up your home room by room.

Treat yourself

You must have a reason to do the job. You could treat yourself to 30 minutes of your favorite TV show in exchange for 30 minutes of cleaning or focus work. This will activate your reward system, which can help you to have a positive outlook.

Positive help is possible

Don’t hide your challenges. Everyone needs support when things get difficult. Talk to your mental health provider, or find a support group.

Enjoy your life by identifying and incorporating pleasure

You should be looking for pleasure in people, places, and things. Make a conscious effort to identify them and to continue to include them in your life. Find pleasure and write down what you find.

Be open to interacting with people you trust and like.

It is hard to connect with others when you are in a state of depression. Social interaction is vital to emotional comfort and feeling at ease, so it’s important to get out of your shell.

You can go out to a movie, a coffee shop, or a bakery project. Share the small things that make life worthwhile with others. Laughter and friendship are powerful antidotes for languishing.

Recognize and validate your experiences

Be kind to yourself. You are fighting your own inner battle, so don’t blame yourself. Do not expect to magically transform from being in a rut to becoming a success. Many people have suffered from the pandemic. Recognize your feelings. Awareness is the first step to positive change.


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