We’ve done extensive research about World Weed Day and prepared this content: Exactly Why is 4/20 Celebrated For Weed. We invite you to read the content and stay connected with us.

Did you know about World Weed Day (WWD)? Do you know what it is? Every year, World Weed Day falls on the 20th April. It will surprise you to learn that a number of weed smokers from different parts of the world joined forces to celebrate this day by smoking marijuana.

It’s not just for U.S. smokers. s Not only does the United States celebrate World Weed Day, but so do Canada and many other countries. You may be asking, “Why is 4/20 celebrated for weed?” Let’s take a look at the article.

Why is it that your day is celebrated?

According to Steven Hager (a United States author), marijuana use is a common ritual. This ritual was started by a group of high school students in California in 1970. The teenagers in the crowd started smoking marijuana every day at 4:20 p.m.

The strange ritual spread like fire and eventually, time 4:20 was used as the code to smoke marijuana. Soon, teenagers changed code 420 into a date (e.g., April 20th or April 20th). This is exactly why 4/20 is celebrated for weed. This is how the day is celebrated.

Names of the teens who started the ritual

This strange ritual was started by several teenagers at San Rafael Senior High School in California. Five students devised a secret code to get high and stay away from college. They made it their hobby to smoke marijuana.

Hager explained that these teens could in some way get a map showing different marijuana crops. They began to search for the location based on the map but, regrettably, didn’t succeed.

What is 4/20 celebrated for?

Every day, the teens in the audience began taking marijuana at 4:20 p.m. They often avoided soccer practice and jumped with the wall. They earned their name, the Waldos.

They started by using the ‘420 Louie code word to meet other friends close to Louis Pasteur, the famous French Chemist. Plus, they avoided the school. From ‘420 Louie, the key code became progressively ‘420’.

Celebrate World Weed Day

We discovered the exact reason 4/20 is celebrated for marijuana, but did you know that it is a holiday? Although it is illegal to smoke weed, many people celebrate the occasion by driving around America on 4/20. This holiday has become a vacation for both smokers and non-smokers.


You can’t even consider smoking marijuana in many places around the globe. However, there are many people who smoke marijuana and continue to push for legalization. Click the link below to see the results for Cannabis and Marijuana. Hopefully, you now know why 4/20 is celebrated for marijuana. Would you be open to using weed? Please send us your thoughts.


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