This page is a short review for anyone who wonders whether is a trustworthy company or a fraud. Read on to learn more about Atwnie.

Safety Index of :30/100

  • Domain
  • Name of the website:Atwnie
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Parent company name and address:Kentesh Ltd. Signature 15, St. Helens Place London, EC3A6DQ
  • Registration Number : 12948325
  • Categories of Products Available on its Website: Father’s Day, New, Tops for Women
  • The Website Lists: I am Their Father – Custom Shirt with Kids Gift for Dad Mom Vr2 PH99, Urban Wide Leg Loose Print Off-The Shoulder Blouses and Casual Pants Two-Piece Set, Simple long sleeves solid color Lapel Midi dress, Urban Asymmetric one shoulder tunic top, Two-Piece Long Sleeve Blazer Work Outfit Set Suit Suit, Casual Chic, Sleeveless Polka dot Lapel Midi dresses

Below we have listed a few facts about Atwnie. These include its pros and cons as well as whether it has received any complaints. This will allow you to learn more about the website.

  • On its website, you can find the Hypertext Transfer protocol Secure (HTTPS).
  • You can find the contact details on their website.
  • The domain name and the website name must match.
  • Kentesh Ltd, the parent company, has a history of operating multiple problematic sites of this type, including BrickspinShop and Rraog. It may, however, provide another parent company in the future as many similar types of problematic websites are doing this. It’s important to not be confused in the future if this online store has a different parent company name.
  • The website does not provide a contact phone number on the “Contact Us”, “ABOUT US”, or “Home” pages.
  • This site has a lot of products on sale at a heavy discount, just like other problematic sites.
  • On its website, it has a number of useless social media icons that lead to the homepages of other social media sites and not its own business social media pages.
  • The design and content of the website should match multiple problematic websites.
  • Similar sites have been the subject of many complaints.

On the basis of information provided, Atwnie can be considered a non-reliable ecommerce platform.

We are aware that the Atwnie site has some limitations. Your contribution to assessing its reliability and credibility is greatly appreciated. Your experiences, insights, and other information are crucial to a thorough evaluation of the site. We encourage you share your opinions, participate in the discussion and give valuable insights on the strengths or weaknesses of the site. Please comment below to actively explore the credibility and reliability the website. We appreciate your valuable contribution.

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