If you are looking for information on whether Getmybrownie.com is a scam or a reputable company, then you have come to the right place. You can find out more about Getmybrownie by reading the Getmybrownie reviews below.
Safety Index of Getmybrownie.com :5/100 Scam
- Domain Name:Getmybrownie.com
- Getmybrownie is the name of the website:
- Email: [email protected]
- Contact Number:904-967-2089
- Categories of Products Available on its Website:ALL Produts, Top Seller
- The Website Lists the Following Products: Industrial Style Folding Patio Bistro Sets with 4 Bar Banquettes, Nordic Modern Design Lift Top Wood Coffee Table Set, Portable Folding Dining table Set, Cordless Robotic Pool cleaner, Smart Nightstand, LED 3 modes clip desk lamp – Eye Protection reading table lamps, All-in one Multifunction Modern Dressing Desk, etc.
Below we have listed a few facts about Getmybrownie. These include its pros and cons as well as whether it has received any complaints. This will allow you to learn more about the website.
- On its website, you can find the Hypertext Transfer protocol Secure (HTTPS).
- The website provides a contact phone number.
- The domain name and the website name must match.
- The company has not provided a contact address as of the date of this review.
- This site has many products listed at unreasonably low prices, which is suspicious as there are multiple sites that offer such low prices.
- Social media icons that are not relevant to the site will lead you to share pages on social media rather than your official profiles. This lack of engagement by customers on social media is an important red flag. Online stores that are trustworthy usually provide social media icons which link to their social media profiles.
- The design and content of the websites are similar to those of multiple scam websites.
- Similar sites have been the subject of many complaints.
On the basis of these facts, Getmybrownie can be deemed an illegal e-commerce site.
We have recognized certain shortcomings of the Getmybrownie site, but we value your feedback in assessing its reliability and credibility. We value your insights, experiences and additional information as they help us to evaluate the website more thoroughly. Please feel free to share your opinions, participate in the conversation, and give valuable insights on the website’s strengths and weaknesses. Please comment below to actively participate in the exploration of the credibility and reliability the website. We appreciate your contribution.
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Note: It has been found that these sites change their name and the content of their site from time to time. The above review is based upon the information provided on the website at the date mentioned. This means that if you later find different details to what we provided in this review, this online store may have changed their details. This still makes the site suspicious.
It is important that you act immediately if you’ve been scammed online. You should contact your bank or credit-card company and ask for help in obtaining a refund. You can contact PayPal’s support team if you have used PayPal. You should provide them with all the information you can about the scam. This includes any relevant information regarding the website or the seller, as well as any proof that you may have. These steps will increase your chances of receiving a refund from the online scam store and solving the problem.
It is important to get the tracking number from the postoffice if you receive a product which is significantly cheaper or completely different than your original order. These documents usually contain important details, such as the address of delivery and the weight. The item received may be lighter than expected. This information can be shared with your bank, PayPal, or credit card company to strengthen your claim for a refund. Many people who provided this evidence to their financial institutions or payment service providers have been able to obtain full refunds.