If you don’t know what Elden Ring means or why it is so popular, here are some facts. These are some reasons why Elden Ring was chosen as one of the Top Honors in the Japan Game Awards.

What’s Elden Ring?

FromSoftware has created Elden Ring, a dark fantasy role-playing game for dark fantasy. Elden Ring was a highly anticipated video game revealed at E3 2019. This was mainly due to George R.R Martin who was involved in the game. Martin is the author of Game of Thrones. Instead of finishing up future installments such as The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring Martin decided to write for video games.

The story centers around you, the player (also known as The Chosen Tarnished), who travels through The Lands Between. You will face demigods, monsters, and eventually become an Elden Lord.

Why Elden Rings Are So Great?

Elden Ring offers so many benefits that other games cannot match. This game is a radical departure from the traditional open-world roleplaying games and changes the way they work.

Side quests and areas in The Lands Between are so immersive that it is worth exploring new places like castles, forests or caves. Although the game is dark, there is no doubt it is beautiful. Elden Ring feels alive thanks to the bits of lore scattered around the world.

Elden Ring players, Tarnished would face bosses and other enemies as a Tarnished. The game is flexible because there are many weapons and classes to choose. The game can be played in many ways. You can customize your character and use different tactics to defeat an enemy.

This is FromSoftware’s game. We already know how difficult it is, which is what draws players to Elden Ring. You can feel your survival instincts kick in when you see the variety and difficulty of the enemies in the game. Each death can result in severe punishment for the player. All weak and robust Elden Ring runes will be destroyed when an enemy strikes. Avoid mobs, as they can quickly decrease your survival chances.

Although character customization is not new, Elden Ring stands out because of its detail and number of available armor sets for each class. There are ten classes available: Vagabonde, Warrior Hero, Bandit Astrologer Samurai Confessor Prisoner Prophet, Wretch, Samurai, Samurai and Samurai. Each character that you build will have its own playstyle, weapon, and other Elden Ring suitable for it.

This is similar to Darksouls. Instead of simply gaining a new level, which increases your stats, you can choose the attributes that you want to improve for your character. It’s worth the effort to defeat bosses and improve each attribute to be able to kill harder enemies or use high-requirement weaponry. Eight major attributes can be upgraded: Vigor and Endurance; Dexterity; Faith, Mind, Strength. Intelligence.

This is the most important part of Soulsborne . The boss battles are mostly optional. The Tree Sentinel, the first boss that a Tarnished will encounter, gives them an idea of what to expect as they face more throughout the game. Elden Ring is the most difficult and challenging of all the FromSoftware games. Although most would quit after dying so many times in this game, the extreme difficulty makes it rewarding.

Japan Game Awards 2022

Japan Game Awards is a Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Awards Ceremony. It celebrates the Japanese videogame industry and features both Japanese and International games. This ceremony, also known as CESA (Computer Entertainment Supplier’s Association Awards), was established in 1996.

Elden Ring was awarded the Grand Award at the Japan Game Awards 2022. This award was given due to Elden Ring’s high praise. It also received an Award for Excellence for being one of the Top 10 games.

Director Hidetaka Mishazaki

Hidetaka Mizaki, a director, designer, and scriptwriter, was awarded the Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry award. This award is presented to an individual or organization that has made a significant contribution to the development of the Japanese gaming industry. Miyazaki is a respected figure who deserves this award.

Miyazaki was the director of Dark Souls and was promoted to company president by 2014, while also directing other titles like Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne. Because all of his games were critically acclaimed, it is no surprise that Miyazaki’s reputation is so impressive. His work even inspired novelists and other game developers. The Soulslike genre was born because of Hidetaka Miyazaki’s influence.


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