Simone Kinberg, David Weil and David Weil were responsible for creating the show Invasion. This American science-fiction series is based in America. After its debut, the show received mixed reviews from viewers. The final episode was released on December 10, 2021. Since then, the theories for The Invasion season 2 have started.

The series is about an alien invasion that sweeps the globe. No matter what rank or position, the impact of this invasion can be felt by people from different countries.

The show’s main characters struggle to fight these “special foreign invaders”, who appear to have no good intentions toward the earth and all living beings. As the story unfolds, everyone takes a deep breath and believes that the aliens are gone. However, it might be too soon to celebrate.

Invasion Season 1 Season 1 Episode 1 will be released on December 9th. The official Twitter account of Apple TV+ has announced that Invasion Season 2 is in production. This was unexpected because the show was still in its early stages. It received mixed reviews.

Invasion Season 2’s release date is still unknown. However, we believe season 2 will be available by the middle of 2022 or in the early 2023.


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