Do you want to know if Tableman.Shop is legitimate? Or if it’s a scam and whether it’s safe to shop there? This is the place for you. Let’s take a closer look at this store and assess its authenticity using the Tableman Shop review below.
- Domain nameTableman
- Website name: Tableman
- Domain Registration Date Per WHOIS:2023-02-22
- Domain LLC
- Email: [email protected] .shop
- Contact Phone NumberNot Available
- Address for a Company, Office, Store, or Warehouse:
- Products Listed on Its Website:Generador Solar, Sphere Bookshelfs, Mini Laser Printer, Mini Laser Printer, Industrial Bookshelfs, Wooden Tree Bookcases and Wooden Decorative Multiple Shelves Bookcases, Multifunctional Wooden Cat Houses, Indoor Music Boxing Set Three-piece, Infinite Position Lift Chair W/ Heating, Massage, Power by Dual Motors, Real Leather, etc.
This online store claims to sell many of the products listed above. Before you decide to shop at this online store, there are many things you need to know.
Tableman does not disclose its contact phone number and company address on its website. This is unusual for legitimate businesses. The website’s lack of transparency raises concern that it may conceal important information. It is best to not rely on this site for online orders.
When shopping online, it is important to be cautious. These steep discounts are frequently used by deceptive websites to lure customers. The discount claims made online by Tableman may be cause for concern.
Tableman’s website design and content are very similar to many fraudulent online shops, which causes apprehension as well as casting doubt on its authenticity.
Concern is also raised by the non-inclusion on Tableman’s website of a social media icon that is related to business. These icons are usually provided by genuine online shops to help customers navigate to their social media pages, groups, or profiles. A missing icon can raise suspicions about the legitimacy of the business as well as questions about its social media activities.
Similar online shops have also received complaints from customers about their slow delivery times, inadequate customer support and poor post-purchase services.
Based on the above facts, Tableman Shop can be concluded to be a scam website.
Click >HERE to see a list of suspicious websites. Or scroll down in our “Scams” category and find information about different types of scams. You can also navigate our website by clicking >HERE.
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Many online shops claim to offer huge discounts on many items, but they are often scams. Avoid these online shops or do your research before buying anything. Most of these online stores won’t ship the items purchased to clients, or deliver inferior or unreliable items. Scam online shops may charge clients their credit cards randomly, without their consent. If you’ve ever been charged incorrectly by a scam website, you should immediately notify your bank or credit union to protect your credit card details.